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During the last 30 days, there were 112 Islamic attacks in 19 countries, in which 610 people were killed and 544 injured

17,410,742 people voted for the UK to leave the European Union at June 2016’s referendum – more than voted for any political party or proposition at any election or referendum in British political history

En elvaårig islamist i en skola i Berlin har redan lärt sig att han tillhör det nya herrefolket som får och ska bestraffa "otroende". Hotar en lärarinnan med halshuggning liksom Samuel Paty i Paris

Hero Down: Charleston PD Officer Cassie Johnson Murdered During Parking Complaint
Charleston, WV – Charleston Police Department (CPD) Officer Cassie Johnson died in the line of duty at 4 p.m. Dec. 3 after being shot in the face while responding to a parking complaint on Dec. 1

Forsvaret lukkede minkfarm uden lovhjemmel – og kan ikke finde nogle dokumenter om besøget
Socialdemokratiet der sidder ved magten kan nu ikke betragtes som andet end et udemokratisk og diktatorisk parti, der tilmed forsøger at mørklægge deres overgreb mod befolkningen

American Islamists Remain Silent on Armenian Genocide
105 years later, they still refuse to recognize it

America First Action SuperPAC is committed to creating an America where prosperity, safety and strength reign

Il Congresso Federale è l’organo rappresentativo di tutti gli associati della Lega Nord ed è competente per le modifiche del presente Statuto
Esso stabilisce la linea politica e programmatica della Lega Nord e valuta le attività svolte dalle Nazioni. Partecipano al Congresso Federale, con diritto di intervento e di voto, oltre ai membri di diritto, i delegati espressi dai Congressi Nazionali delle rispettive Nazioni

Add Your Name to Support President Trump's Effort to Stop Voter Fraud

Countries with 20% muslims and above see increased hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues. For example Ethiopia, with a muslim population of around 35%

VOX es la voz de la España Viva. Un movimiento de extrema necesidad que nace para poner a las instituciones al servicio de los españoles, en contraste con el actual modelo que pone a los españoles al servicio de los políticos. VOX es el partido del sentido común, el que pone voz a lo que piensan millones de españoles en sus casas; el único que lucha contra la corrección política asfixiante. En VOX no les decimos a los españoles cómo tienen que pensar, hablar o sentir, les

Abort73 is working to protect women and children from the violence of abortion
We do that through education and peer-to-peer engagement

Georgetown Professor said Slavery and Non-Consensual Sex are Okay under Islamic Teachings
Nice to see that people in positions are also starting to tell the truth

Nye Borgerliges webshop. Forkæl dig selv, eller få gode ideer til julegaverne i år

Man who killed four in Vienna terror attack had served time for trying to join the Islamic State
In addition to the four killed, many others were wounded during the attack on Monday

An informed citizenry is an essential element of maintaining a free society. Having a deeper understanding of how legislation impacts education freedom, economic freedom and the constitutional principles of individual liberty and limited government allows citizens to better understand the known and often unknown consequences of legislative issues

Les mosquées de Toulouse poreuses aux djihadistes : un livre donne de nouvelles informations
Lors de l’inauguration de la Grande mosquée « Al Nour » de Toulouse, nous avions révélé les prêches promouvant le combat de Mohamed Tatai, son imâm algérien follement toléré en France, qui de plus fait la promotion de Youssef Al-Qaradawi dans son prêche sur le « sacrifice en islam »

War on police: Colin Kaepernick is now calling for the release of a convicted cop killer
Yes, the same football failure who depicted cops as “pigs” on his football uniform socks

Gaza: Four Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terrorists Accidentally Blow Themselves Up
Four terrorists from Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Saraya al Quds brigade died in an explosion at their facility in Sajaiya, in eastern Gaza City

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