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Vi kan også besvare denne grædende gamle mands spørgsmål, som han ser sig omkring i sin by og i sit land. Islam har taget over overalt i Sverige som følge af fejlslagen indvandringspolitik


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Islam hører ikke til i Danmark. Og kommer aldrig til det

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It is so sick that muslim pakistanis just demand the christian woman Asia Bibi executed, just because she is a christian pakistani. Imagine how loud people would shout, if it was a muslim in a christian majority country that was demanded executed by christians?. The last one would just never happen though, because of the morally differences of the 2 religions

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Det er så sygt at muslimske pakistanere kræver den kristne kvinde Asia Bibi henrettet, bare fordi hun er kristen pakistaner. Forestil jer hvor højt der var blevet råbt, hvis det havde været en muslim i et overvejende kristent land, som blev krævet henrettet af kriste?. Det sidste vil dog aldrig ske pga. de moralske forskelle på de 2 religioner

Christians: The world's most persecuted people
100,000 Christians now die every year, targeted because of their faith – that is 11 every hour

This is a list of Islamic terror attacks in "non-Muslim" Europe since 9/11. This list includes Russia and Georgia

We the People need to maintain a fair and legitimate election process in America or we are already lost

President Trump has enforced immigration laws to protect American communities and American jobs

The Al Aqsa Islamic Society in Philly which does interfaith dawa with the Jack Barrack Hebrew Academy was caught hosting an Imam who called Jews "the vilest people" and called for Muslims to kill them

Eine linksextreme Öko-Diktatur rückt in der BRD in greifbare Nähe. Annalena Baerbock will Bundesanzlerin Angela Merkel beerben

Pro-Iran Lebanese Activist Anis Al-Naqqash: Soleimani, Orchestrated Weapon Delivery To Gaza Disguised As Humanitarian Aid
What we are witnessing is pure muslim deceit. They can never be trusted

Frontiers of Freedom, founded in 1995 by U.S. Senator Malcolm Wallop, is an educational foundation whose mission is to promote the principles of individual freedom

La reprise des relations diplomatiques officielles du Maroc avec Israël n'est pas du goût des islamistes marocains. Tout ce qu'ils savent et veulent, c'est la guerre

Christians are the most persecuted religious group on earth. The Pew Research Center is out with its latest study of attacks on people of faith

For years we have worked, risked our lives, to warn of islamization and its horrors. This is just the beginning

Den Korte Avis' succes er skabt med små midler. Vi vil gerne lave en endnu bedre avis og din økonomiske støtte vil være en hjælp

Stop Denying the Obvious: Islam is a Problem
70% of Dutch Muslims consider the religious rules of Islam more important than the secular laws of the country where they are living

Major coalition of conservative groups, leaders, and patriots showing up at state capitals to stand up for the vote and stand up for President elect Donald Trump

Halshögg lärare i Frankrike – hyllas som ”islams lejon” när han begravs i hemlandet
18-årige Abdullakh Anzorov högg i ett blodigt terrordåd i oktober i år huvudet av 47-årige läraren Samuel Paty i Paris

Horrible!. Argentina, the homeland of Pope Francis, just effectively legalized the murder of unborn babies in the womb up to 14 weeks of gestation

Islamic Censorship of US Constitution
Without freedom of speech, we can’t have rational thought. Without rational thought, we can’t examine our society objectively and fix its problems

A study sponsored by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario found that women who had undergone abortion experienced:
4 times higher rate of hospitalization for infections
5 times higher rate of a surgical event
nearly 5 times higher rate of hospitalization for psychiatric problems

Nach islamischem Terroranschlag: Grünen-Politiker Cem Özdemir ruft zum Kampf gegen Rechts auf

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