Good morning! The morning light made it possible to take a pic of her features. She's pretending, btw, making the most of a cosy spot.
When we had nine cats, which was until very recently (we had to let our oldest go), I got a picture of seven of them on the bed, and called it 'seven of nine'. @maloki said I should post it again, and in looking for it, I actually found one with eight of them on the bed. So here's what eight cats on a bed looks like.
Eigentlich war das Ding als Lesesessel gedacht. Ist jetzt Kadsersessel.
@jortsthecat try posting a pic of you and Jean and tag with #cats #caturday #mastocats - that got me some traction! Here’s my Jorts merch
雑貨屋サク(閑古鳥養殖場)(@Kabaiiomise2)さんがツイートしました: 川越まつり2日目。